Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Shoulder Work

I'm taking a break from the skirt while I sort out the issue with the holes in the panels for the hemispheres, so I decided to move on to the shoulder section, and get some work done on that since I had the parts for it handy.

Here's the frame -

The top is a 22" diameter circle, about 2" wide. Should be enough to hold the neck rings and the inner neck bin (which I'll get to later). The bottom is the same pattern as the top of the skirt frame, but with the corners rounded off.

I cut the top and bottom out of 1/4" pressboard-like material. I forget exactly what it's called, but it seems pretty strong for its thickness. I had originally planned on using it for the skirt panels and the skin for the shoulder frame, but decided to go with the MDF instead for those. The struts are the same timber pieces I used for the skirt frame, just cut down in width to fit.

Here it is sitting on the skirt frame -

Next step will be to make the gun box, and then to put the "skin" around the frame.

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