Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Dome Mould

Here's how I made the mould for the dome. I started by drawing out a template for the shape and arc of the dome from the Dalek plans.

I cut out the dome shape from the posterboard. Then I measured out the number and sizes of plywood discs I would need to cut to build up the structure of the mould.

I cut discs out of plywood and glued them together to get pretty close to the shape it is supposed to be and then mounted them on a plywood plank with a screw in the middle so I could rotate it.

I mounted a piece of MDF with half of the dome arc cut into it on the side.

The I used spackling paste to fill out the rest of the shape of dome. As I spun the plywood disc part, the board on the side would scrape away the excess paste, leaving the correct shape of the dome behind.

I let it dry out for a few days, then lightly sanded it to smooth it out a bit more and then gave it a coat of paint.

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