Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I made the "collars" for the shoulder section out of thin MDF rather than aluminum - cutting aluminum in my apartment just wasn't going to happen. I painted the strips silver and I think they are fairly convincing collars for the 1963 MK I Dalek.

I started by cutting the patterns from the template I made out of poster board for the shoulder skin. Then I traced them onto the MDF sheets, cut them out, and sanded the edges. Next I put ona coat of grey primer, and then metallic silver. Luckily the paint made the MDF bendable, so they were really easy to wrap around the shoulders.

I attached the collars to the shoulder with machine screws and lots of washers and nuts the keep them at the right distance from the shoulder piece.

I connected the strips to eachother with little MDF plates I cut out and joined with more maching screws. These aren't entirely accurate for the '63 Dalek, but I needed to use them to make the collars work, and I think they still look ok.

1 comment:

  1. That looks great. I too have a ‘Dead Planet’ jobbie. May I ask where you got your templates from? I downloaded some from Project Dalek (I think), but they kind of kink up at the front bottom (if you’ll pardon the expression…) leaving too big a gap between it and the top pair of balls (ditto). Thanks, Bruce.
