Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happiness is a Warm Gun (Box)

Here's the "gun box" for the shoulder section of my Dalek. The plans and exact measurements for this are a bit sketchy, as it seems they were all slightly different on all the 60's model Daleks. I decided to deviate slightly from my original plans, and go with the "flat top" style gun box first used on the Movie Daleks, and on later TV Daleks. The design change from the angled tops it seems has to do with making the shoulder section easier to remove from the mould once they decided to cast the entire section in fibreglass, rather than insert a wooden gun box later. This didn't really affect me because I'm making the entire shoulder section out of wood and MDF. I just like the flat top design better. It just looks cleaner I think.

The front, with holes drilled for the arms, and a slot in the middle to attach to the shoulder frame.

Contraptions to insert into the gun box to hold the ball joints for the arms in place.

The inside with spacers and bits to attach the ball joint frame thingies.
Ball joint frame thingies attached with screws and a LOT of wood glue.


  1. It's hard to make a Dalek...

  2. Also if I might ask, what are the blue things made of and how large are they, and how wide should the skirt of the Dalek be from back to front to side to side. I'm making a Dalek myself and I need a bit of help. ^^;
