Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Importance of Being Davros

I decided to take the plunge(r) today and start building my very own life-size, functioning* Dalek prop replica. It's something I've thought about doing for quite a while now. I was always fairly confident I could build the bottom part, and though a little tricky, the shoulder section as well. I know I can get most of that stuff from Home Depot. The dome-head bit scared me though - apparently it involves making your own mould and fabricating it yourself out of fiberglass. So that part still scares me, but I'm going to go for it anyway. I'll just start at the bottom of the Dalek and work my way up. And if it turns out I can't make the dome, well, I'll have my very own life-size, functioning** Davros wheelchair.

*hopefully I'll be able to wheel around in it and shout "Exterminate!". but not much else. It's a big plywood box with a plunger stuck on the front. So maybe I can plunge things too.

**I'll be able to sit and wheel around in it. which will be handy anyway, because my apartment isn't that big and I'm probably going to have to get rid of some furniture to fit this thing in here anyway.

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