Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dalek Depot

Went shopping at Home Depot today for what I need to get started. Going to start with the base and "skirt" (or is it a kilt?) so I got most of what I need for the structure of that - plywood, screws, nails, glue, casters. Got some basic tools too. I wish I had (or could afford) an electric saw.... but I can't, so hand saw it is.

I think I'll make the skirt panels out of hardboard. Lighter than plywood. Easier to cut by hand too.
Will have to figure something out for the 4" hemispheres* on the skirt too. I'll worry about that after I get the frame put together.

*Do you know how many hemispheres a Dalek has on its skirt section? I do now. 56.

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