Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Doctor Who Signing!

There was signing at work tonight for Doctor Who Series 6, Part 1 with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.
I got them to sign my copy of the Dalek Builder's Workshop Manual. That's got to be good luck, right?

photo: amoeba.com

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What's a Dalek?

I have been writing this under the assumption anyone reading it already knows what a Dalek is.
In case you don't, you can read up on them here:


and here's a neat little video someone put together on the history of the Daleks in the show (as an H2G2 entry!):

Dalek Skirt, part 3

I had a little bit of energy left today after all that sawing yesterday, so I got this done.

Next step - split the skirt pieces so it will be easier to transport later. And get out the front door. because I don't think it will fit otherwise. Also have to figure out how the cut that big hole in the middle.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dalek Skirt, part 2

Finally got these cut out.

Using this.

My arms are going to hurt tomorrow.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Dalek Skirt, part 1

Measured out the shape of the base and top of the skirt.

Did I mention I wish I had an electric saw?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dalek Depot

Went shopping at Home Depot today for what I need to get started. Going to start with the base and "skirt" (or is it a kilt?) so I got most of what I need for the structure of that - plywood, screws, nails, glue, casters. Got some basic tools too. I wish I had (or could afford) an electric saw.... but I can't, so hand saw it is.

I think I'll make the skirt panels out of hardboard. Lighter than plywood. Easier to cut by hand too.
Will have to figure something out for the 4" hemispheres* on the skirt too. I'll worry about that after I get the frame put together.

*Do you know how many hemispheres a Dalek has on its skirt section? I do now. 56.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Selection of the Daleks, Part 2

Yep, I'm going to go with this one.

1963 Dalek Mk1

Facing off with The Doctor & Susan.
I think that's Ian over there on the floor.

A nice color shot. And shows you how you get inside.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Selection of the Daleks

Evolution of the Dalek
I've joined the Projeck Dalek Forum and sent away for a copy of the Dalek Builder's Workshop Manual. It's supposed to be full of lots of useful advice, methods, and tips for Dalek construction. Sounds well worth the $13 it costs for printing and shipping from England.

Also looking through the specs & measurments for all the different types of Daleks available for free download from the Project Dalek Forum (or 'PDF' as they call it). I'm leaning towards the 1960's Mk1 Dalek. They look like the least complicated to make, and probably a good place to start anyway. I also like the potential color schemes. As much as I like the funky 60's film versions, it just seems wrong to start with that. The 70's ones got awfully grey and dreary. I'm not crazy about the 80's ones either. I do like the 2005 Series model. Maybe if this one goes well I'll attempt one of those. And maybe one day I'll do a 2010 redesign. But I think I'm getting ahead of myself now...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Importance of Being Davros

I decided to take the plunge(r) today and start building my very own life-size, functioning* Dalek prop replica. It's something I've thought about doing for quite a while now. I was always fairly confident I could build the bottom part, and though a little tricky, the shoulder section as well. I know I can get most of that stuff from Home Depot. The dome-head bit scared me though - apparently it involves making your own mould and fabricating it yourself out of fiberglass. So that part still scares me, but I'm going to go for it anyway. I'll just start at the bottom of the Dalek and work my way up. And if it turns out I can't make the dome, well, I'll have my very own life-size, functioning** Davros wheelchair.

*hopefully I'll be able to wheel around in it and shout "Exterminate!". but not much else. It's a big plywood box with a plunger stuck on the front. So maybe I can plunge things too.

**I'll be able to sit and wheel around in it. which will be handy anyway, because my apartment isn't that big and I'm probably going to have to get rid of some furniture to fit this thing in here anyway.